
Written By Fernando Enrique García Silva

English edition of the book Self-Knowledge. In this book you will find the fundamental tools to awaken your consciousness and free it from the ego that has trapped it. You will learn how to fight against your own darkness.

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Written By Fernando Enrique García Silva

The fundamental objective of this book is to help the person to know his or her sexual energy and learn to use it wisely. This book is an excerpt from the book "Suprasexo, the Sacred Sexuality", therefore those who want to go deeper into the subject are invited to read the original book and also read the book "Self-Knowledge" by the same author that form a set. We are going to talk about sex with scientific, artistic, philosophical and mystical foundations. There should be no shame in touching these subjects. On the contrary, there should be shame for our criminal silence and dishonorable permissiveness. In the book Self-Knowledge is the light, in the book Suprasexus is the Fire. With light, you see; with fire, you transform. Only the one who works with the light and with the fire will reach the goal, because, in order to transform oneself, one must first see oneself. Only the courageous, understanding, reflective ones, who yearn for the Diamond Soul, will fulfill what is stated here.

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